About J & F (Joe and Family)
On September 27, 1981 Giuseppe “Joe” Sparano started J&F (Joe & Family) Chatsworth Ltd. on the guiding principle of “selling customers only what they need.” It’s the foundation of our reason for being and Joe’s personal mantra to this day. Joe’s early life wasn’t easy. He arrived in America from Italy at 16 years old without knowing a word of English and tried his hand at a number of jobs until settling into the auto repair business. Despite challenges, Joe was determined and put his heart into his work. In time he made a name for himself and had a dedicated following of clientele. Customers knew they could trust Joe to get the job done right. While working for other auto shops in the late seventies, an opportunity presented itself on Vine Street in Larchmont – a Service Station for rent. Joe dreamed about owning his own shop someday but he didn’t have the money necessary to get started. When one of his customers heard about the opportunity, he wanted to help and loaned Joe the money to start his business.
Joe dreamed about owning his own shop someday but he didn’t have the money necessary to get started. When one of his customers heard about the opportunity, he wanted to help and loaned Joe the money to start his business.
Originally, Joe worked out of a 1,800 sq. ft. garage doing mechanical repairs with gas pumps out front. But customers trusted Joe and came to him with auto body repair work too. When more space became available in the building in 1986, Joe seized the opportunity to be a “one stop shop” and opened the Auto Body Shop. Customers were happy they could trust Joe for all their car needs and Joe was happy to be doing what he loved while providing a service to the community.

Just as J & F was growing up, so was Joe’s son Vinny. Vinny spent summer breaks in his father’s garage learning the car business. Instead of sleepaway camp, Vinny soaked up the knowledge and experience of his father and his mechanics. The rule was “Listen, don’t touch and no questions.” And so he did, watch and learn. Cars became infused in his blood. If you ever met father or son, you would know this is something they have a real passion for. In 2001 Vinny came aboard full time. Now the father and son duo with help from Joe’s wife Susan run the shop daily to ensure all of their customer’s vehicle needs are cared for.